Vihara Buddhagaya Watugong

Buddhagaya Watugong Vihara is a monastery that was inaugurated in 2006 and declared MURI as the highest pagoda in Indonesia. Buddhagaya Watugong Vihara situated 45 minutes from the center of Semarang. This monastery has many buildings and are in large areas.

One of the most famous icons in this monastery is Avalokitesvara Pagoda (Metta Karuna), in which there are large Buddha Statues. Avalokitesvara Pagoda, which has a maximum building height of 45 meters with 7 levels, which means that a hermit to reach sanctity in the seventh.

The interior of the octagonal pagoda with size 15 x 15 meters. Starting the second to the sixth level mounted statue Goddess Kwan Im (Goddess of Mercy) who is facing four winds. It is intended that the goddess of love radiate in all directions of the compass.

At the seventh level of a statue Amitaba, ie, professor of the gods and humans. Stupa there pagoda top section to save the relics (pearl beads) that came out of the Buddha. The front of the pagoda is a statue Goddess of Mercy and the Buddha who sat under the Bodi tree.

In the monastery complex there is also cotage for guests staying. Right in front of the building there cotage Dhammasala. This building consists of two floors, ground floor is used for large multipurpose hall with a stage in front of him while the upper floors for Dhammasala space.

On the wall there is a relief dhammasala disekiling fence that tells about paticasamupada. By looking at these reliefs we will more easily understand the concept paticasamupada

It's all part of the complex of temples arranged neatly combined with the beauty of their environment and coupled with the beauty of Chinese architecture makes it relatively pleasant place for pilgrimage and worship or just stop by to unwind due to a break in the journey.

If you're traveling to Hyderabad, there is no harm in taking the time to visit one of the attractions the city of Semarang

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